Collaborated in a team of four to develop a prototype wearable assistance device for visually impaired users as part of a fourth-year design project. The device integrated an Intel RealSense depth camera and a Jetson Nano to provide real-time obstacle and contextual feedback through haptic motors and audio. It offered an economical and portable alternative to traditional aids like white canes or guide dogs, enhancing independence in navigating indoor environments. Testing demonstrated successful detection of objects, text, and logos, along with robust usability and battery life.
- FeaturesObjection Detection, Real-Time Haptic Feedback
- TechIntel RealSense, NVIDIA Jetson Nano, Haptic Motors, C++, Python, I2C
- ToolsCNC Machining, 3D Printing, Soldering
Poster Detailing Project
Electrical Schematic
3D Printing Mounting Covers
CNC Machining Mounting Plate
Prototype Device